Test Payments

In order to create a test payment, when forming a payment, specify test: true in the request body, this field is optional and if you do not transfer it, a real payment will be created.

URL: https://secure.octo.uz/prepare_payment

Method: POST

Content-type: application/json

Request body:

  "octo_shop_id": 10000,
  "octo_secret": "2d45df74-bb95-47cf-a616-8d6dcee2e10d",
  "shop_transaction_id": "uniq shop transaction_id",
  "auto_capture": true,
  "test": true,
  "init_time": "2018-03-30 11:22:33",
  "user_data": {
    "user_id": "unique user_id in store system",
    "phone": "79001112233",
    "email": "user@mail.com"
  "total_sum": 103.33,
  "currency": "USD",
  "description": "Payment name, for example: Moscow-Singapore flight",
  "basket": [
      "position_desc": "MANON Strawberry Yogurt",
      "count": 2,
      "price": 33.99
      "position_desc": "MANON Banana Yogurt",
      "count": 1,
      "price": 31.99
  "payment_methods": [
      "method": "bank_card"
      "method": "qiwi"
  "return_url": "http://merchant.site.uz/return_URL",
  "notify_url": "http://merchant.site.uz/send_me_status_URL",
  "language": "uz",
  "ttl": 15